A. Vehicle Usage Waiver

    • I understand that I may be required to use my personal vehicle to transport individuals during working hours.

    • When transporting individuals, I will at all times practice safe driving techniques and strictly adhere to all traffic safety laws.

    • When transporting individuals, I will ensure that all vehicle occupants are wearing seatbelts.

    • I will provide Convenient Care with a copy of my current driver's license and each time my license is renewed I will provide Convenient Care with a copy.

    • I will maintain liability coverage during my employment and provide Convenient Care with insurance documentation, as needed, to verify automobile coverage.

    • During scheduled working hours I will use my personal vehicle for work-related tasks only.

    • I will transport individuals only in the vehicle identified above. If at any point I change vehicles, I will complete a new Vehicle Usage Agreement.

    • I will immediately notify Convenient Care of any and all traffic violations, or changes in insurance coverage, which may affect my ability to use my personal vehicle to perform job duties.

    • I will at all times keep my vehicle in safe operating condition, including but not limited to, and ensuring the following:

      • Rear view mirror and side mirrors present and in good working condition

      • Headlights (bright and dim) in proper working order

      • Stop, parking, and turn signals (front and rear) work properly

      • Windshield wipers work and blades are in good condition

      • Tires have good tread and are free from damage (no breaks, cuts, or bulges)

      • Seatbelts are free from wear and tear and working properly

      • Working horn

      • Brakes are in proper working order

      • The interior and exterior of the vehicle are in safe condition